July Newsletter: Announcements

Happy end of July! Hope your summer is going well. I've been finding this is a tired summer, and having some wildfire smoke has made it more of a restful, indoor summer.

Last month we talked about the vestibular goggles and this month I want to share some updates.

New treatment training: In April I started a new treatment training for gentle, hands-on body work that helps improve mobility in your body with minimal flaring of symptoms or pain. It helps treat the parts of your body that often get over looked - things like the digestive system, liver, the dura mater (the dense connective tissue around the brain and spinal cord), the lungs, and many more parts of the body. We meet one weekend a month for a year to learn all the anatomy and practice the gentle techniques. This is going to be a fantastic treatment for anyone with migraine, concussion, or vertigo who finds that other treatments flare them up or are too aggressive for their nervous system. So far I've seen great results and my patients are amazed at how well it works because it is so gentle. I will be incorporating this into my practice, so if you are interested in being treated with this new technique, let me know.

New Handout - Daily Cheat Sheet: Remember when you were in school and had to cram for a test? Did you ever make a cheat sheet of the things you absolutely had to know in order to get the most out of your last minute studying? You didn't need to get bogged down in the details of the new material that wasn't even on the test or wander into the minutia of the first lesson. You wrote down the most important and most urgent things that you needed to know. Based on this big picture view, I created a new handout for anyone who struggles with the endless to-do list. I know there are a lot of chronic over-doers out there (recovering chronic over-doer here 🙋🏻‍♀️) who feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done and keep adding tasks to the never-ending to-do list. If you feel like a failure or are hard on yourself for not accomplishing most of the things on your to-do list, maybe it's not you. Maybe it's the list. If you took an honest look at the tasks you need to do, how many of them are urgent and how many are important? I bet there are some that really aren't that important and could wait a week or two. By simplifying the list to what is truly urgent and what actually needs to get done today, you create a must-do list that is shorter, less overwhelming (aka less stress), and more likely to get done. Those extra tasks that aren't that urgent or important are just distractions that get in the way. This daily cheat sheet helps you simplify your list so you get clear on what needs to get done today, while saving you time to do other things you enjoy. Then it prompts you to stop and reward yourself for what you have accomplished. Instead of being hard on yourself for what you didn't get done, it's time to celebrate. Have a little dance party to your favorite song, buy yourself some flowers, or sit down and take a breath for 2 minutes. Take a look at what you've done from the glass-is-half-full perspective instead of the I-still-haven't-finished-everything-therefore-I-am-terrible perspective. You can download the handout here: Daily Cheat Sheet.pdf. Let me know if you use it and find it helpful.

Also, thanks for reading the blog posts! If you have any topics you want to learn more about or any questions, reply to this and let me know. Hope you have a lovely August.

Daly Balance LLC & Dr Daly Physical Therapy LLC

Read more from Daly Balance LLC & Dr Daly Physical Therapy LLC

Happy New Year's Eve! Today is 123123, which only happens once every 100 years. It's been quite a year and I want to thank you for reading my newsletter, supporting my small business, and spreading the word about having options to treat your vertigo, dizziness, and migraine attacks. Thank you. I've also recently added in very gentle hands-on osteopathic treatment to help with all of the above plus chronic issues including pain, scar tissue restrictions, headaches, neurological issues and many...

Hi Reader, I wanted to send you an update about the eclipse on Saturday morning because it is a very cool ring of fire eclipse. I also want to give you a heads up that the change in light and temperature could potentially be a trigger for those of you who have migraine attacks or other neurological conditions. The annular eclipse on Saturday is a partial eclipse (about 91%) so you might notice that the light outside gets very strange. This can be disorienting and feel unnatural. When the moon...

Happy Fall and happy full moon! Last month I talked about vertigo resources and this month I am talking about sleep. The season is changing and here in Oregon we went from summer to fall VERY quickly. The light is also changing so now we have less than 12 hours of sunlight every day. These changes as we head into winter will change your energy levels and your sleep. You might find that you are ready for bed earlier than you were in the summer and that it's harder to get out of bed in the...